Experience Pain Relief and Holistic Healing with Professional Acupuncture Therapy
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that uses needles to stimulate the balance and flow of Qi energy through the body. According to TCM, Qi energy flows along pathways (known as meridians) connected throughout the whole body. When the energy of flow is smooth, the body is in good health; when the flow of energy is deficient or obstructed, it indicates a susceptibility for illness.
A treatment involves using extremely thin, medical grade acupuncture needles. Often, there is no perception of the needle or it may be described as a small, light pinch when the needle is inserted. Your Acupuncturist may also use a technique called “cupping” for specific circulatory reasons, and will give home care advice ranging from exercise to lifestyle changes.
A recommended course of treatment can be made after a complete assessment by one of our doctors. Acupuncture can also be a very effective form of treatment when other forms of therapy have failed.
Is Acupuncture recommended for me?
Individuals from all ages (children to seniors) can be treated with acupuncture. A recommended course of treatment can be made after a complete assessment by one of our Registered Acupuncturists. If you are not sure if this treatment is for you, Please give us a call and we will help you.
Below is a list of conditions commonly treated with acupuncture:
- Pain (any area of the body)
- Muscle tension
- Chronic pain
- Sciatica
- Fibromyalgia
- Muscle and joint dysfunctions
- Whiplash (i.e. motor vehicle accident)
- Headaches
- Concussion management and symptoms
- Sports related injury
- Bell’s palsy
- Arthritis
Benefits of Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a non-invasive technique, with limited or minor side effects, which can help:
- Reduce pain, spasm, swelling and inflammation
- Promote faster natural healing process
- Increase circulation
- Improve function and mobility
- Enhance quality of life for individuals with chronic pain
Frequently Asked Questions
Dry needling is usually a 3 day course taken by physiotherapists that captures 1 element of acupuncture. This may result in shorter, more painful treatments, focusing on muscular-skeletal issues.
Acupuncture requires a 2 year intensive study into a deeper practice of Chinese medicine. This vigorous training allows a Doctor of Acupuncture to treat a wider breadth of issues from muscular-skeletal to gastrointestinal to women’s health.
Our Services at a Glance
Pain Management
Achieve lasting pain relief with personalized, holistic treatment solutions.
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IV Drip Lounge
High-dose vitamins and minerals tailored for immune support, fatigue, oncology and more to promote recovery
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Reduce pain, promote healing, and improve mobility by restoring energy flow. A safe, natural, effective option.
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Women's Health
Natural treatments for issues such as PCOS, infertility and menopause. Offering alternatives to birth control and surgery.
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Shockwave Therapy
High-energy waves stimulate healing in painful areas by increasing circulation and repairing tissue.
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Ozone Therapy
Enhance recovery and immune function with this oxygen-rich, natural healing therapy.
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Lab Diagnostics
Comprehensive lab testing to identify and address health concerns.
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Autoimmune Support
Combines diagnostic testing, diet, and supplementation to manage symptoms and regain balance.
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Digestive Health
Specialized digestive health care to diagnosing and treat your underlying gut conditions.
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Cancer care support through holistic approaches, including diet, lifestyle, and supplementation.
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